In Advanced Searchyou can enter a PubMed query to retrieve the associated research outputs and attention tracked by Altmetric. 


You can use PubMed queries to find research outputs that match author names, affiliations, MeSH terms, and more. Try out some different searches using any PubMed search terms in the PubMed syntax, which can be found here


The PubMed query search filter will return up to 10,000 research outputs in the Altmetric Explorer search results.


Step-by-step guide


An easy way to search PubMed via Explorer for Institutions is to construct your search in the PubMed Advanced Search Builder and then paste the terms in the Explorer PubMed Query search.


  1. Go to

  2. Enter your search terms and select specific fields in the Builder drop-down options



  1. Copy the search string from the box at the top . E.g. (Kahneman D[Author]) AND Happiness[MeSH Terms] in the example above. 

  2. Go to the Explorer for Institutions and choose "Edit Search"

  3. Select Add a PubMed Query and paste your PubMed search string


  1. Click the "Save" button.

  2. Altmetric query the PubMed database and return all matching research outputs with Altmetric attention.