Altmetric started tracking attention to research across various attention sources in October 2011. The table below lists the dates when source coverage began and ended, if applicable. 


Coverage dates refer to when Altmetric set up tracking of each source. We may, however, hold historical data for certain sources. For example, in policy documents and citations we are often able to collect historical data.


Coverage ended means that we stopped collecting data on this date. All data previously aggregated will remain in our database where possible and continue to appear in Altmetric details pages, Explorer, and the Altmetric API.


For News sources, we redeveloped our news tracking system and significantly improved coverage in December 2015: articles published after this date will have a higher number of news stories associated with them.


Data source

Coverage began

Coverage ended

X , formerly Twitter

Oct 2011



Oct 2011


Policy documents

Data collection started in 2013

and covers content from 1928



Oct 2011 & Dec 2015



Oct 2011



Oct 2011



Oct 2011

Dec 2014

Publons peer reviews

Mar 2013



Oct 2011



Jan 2015


Stack Exchange

Oct 2011


H1 (Faculty Opinions)

May 2013



Oct 2011

January 2019


Apr 2013


Sina Weibo

Mid-March 2014

July 2015


Early 2013

March 2014


Oct 2011

June 2013

Open Syllabus 

last update Dec 2015

Dimensions citations

July 2018


Web of Science citations

February 2017

Data is available only for institutional subscribers of products with Clarivate Analytics.



Patent citations        

Data collection started in 2018

and covers content from 1964