The Altmetric Attention Score for a book is calculated based on the weighted attention to the book and its chapters. The score for a book is not the sum of all the chapters' scores. See our worked examples below.


Example 1: The Altmetric Attention Score for a book with book-level attention only.


The book does not have any chapter-level attention, so the attention score is collated the same way it would be for any other scholarly output



Example 2: The Altmetric Attention Score for a book with book and chapter-level attention.


This book has both chapter and book level attention. Brian has posted on X about both a chapter and the book. Since he is an individual contributor to the attention score it is only counted once. Jo has posted about the same chapter various times, this will only contribute once to the overall attention score.



Example 3: The Altmetric Attention Score for a book with chapter-level attention only.


This book has chapter-level attention only. While there is a post for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 they were both posted by Jo. Each chapter then has a score of 1, but as those two come from the same source they only contribute once to the overall score. 



As before, it is important to view the Altmetric Attention Score in context and consider it alongside the qualitative, underlying data: the mentions.