Altmetric book attention can be viewed in various ways:
Altmetric badges and Details Pages for books
Altmetric badges for books and associated Details Pages provide authors, editors and readers with a real-time record of book mentions from mainstream media, public policy documents, online reference managers, blogs, social media, and post-publication peer review platforms.
If a publisher has chosen to implement badges for books, you can view the attention associated with a book by clicking on the embedded badge on the publication page.
Please visit this page for more information about badges for book and books Details Pages.
Altmetric Explorer
Our institutional offering, Explorer for Institutions, allows users to search for attention associated with all of the books we index. Different options are available for Institutions and Publishers.
Please visit this page for more information on searching for books within the Explorer.
Altmetric API
You can also search for book data by using the Altmetric API. We offer different types of API accesses and you can find more information here.