How to use use your Share of Voice report

Share of Voice allows science-based enterprises to answer questions about their publication strategy and performance, to monitor similar organizations and to understand the reception of their research across a broad range of demographics. 

Find out why people use Share of Voice.

Share of Voice reports include menus that allow you to customize your reports by  for therapeutic areas, products, journals, countries, and publication years.

To address those needs, users often need to refine the data presented in the report by focussing on particular research areas, countries or study types. Our Share of Voice report contains a number of menus to support your work and address your needs.

'Report focus' or ‘Therapeutic Area’ and 'Categorycontrols update all relevant charts and tables in the entire report:

  • Organization name: limit viewed publications to those including co-authors from certain organizations. Note that you will still see other organizations mentioned in the report, these will be co-authors from the selected publications. 
  • Publication type: by default, this selects “Research Articles”, “Review Articles” and “Clinical Trials”. These categories are drawn from Dimensions. 
  • Study type: a filter developed by our in-house MD for these dashboards, Study type allows you to select documents that, for example, focus on a particular demographic or clinical trial report. Please contact us if you see any omissions, and missing Study Types or other errors.  
  • Country filter: Share of Voice among author-researchers within a particular territory. 
  • Publication Year filter: Share of Voice for product-related research published in a particular year. 


Some pages have additional menus that allow you to update charts and tables on select pages within the report. For example, the Altmetric Sentiment analysis Social Media Analysis page filters allow you to analyze the data for specific user demographics e.g. (doctors, patients) and locations on X. 

A note on cross-filtering: many of the charts allow you to click on items within a graphic or table, which will temporarily update most other charts on that page. Cross-filtering does not affect the menu selections, nor other pages, and can be reset using the curly arrow that appears next to the relevant chart. 


Add custom data and visualizations

Share of voice reports are built to be responsive to individual clients' needs. Our analysts can work with you to include additional Altmetric and Dimensions data in your report: citations to research in policy documents and patents; mentions on Reddit, blogs and X; awarded grant data; and more! Contact your Digital Science sales representative to discuss.