Share of Voice allows science-based enterprises to answer questions about their publication strategy and performance, to monitor similar organizations and to understand the reception of their research across a broad range of demographics.

  • Case 1: Estimating the scale of a Therapeutic or Research Area and understanding the volume of engagement and activity associated with that research: what does ‘normal’ look like, and what can you expect for future impact? You can use your dashboard to set benchmarks for the future, and evaluate your success to date.
    Example: Client F. uses their Share of Voice dashboard to set expectations for engagement within their divisions, whose Therapeutic Areas show very different impact profiles.

  • Case 2: Share of Voice supports competitive analyses across a range of organizations, using a broad range of metrics and indicators.
    Example: Client J. uses a Share of Voice dashboard to benchmark their divisions against similar competing organizations using Altmetric Attention Score as their leading metric.

  • Case 3: Identification of leading publications and organizations. Share of Voice supports you to identify the most impactful medicines, technologies, publications, countries, authors and institutions within a Therapeutic or Research area, using a range of indicators.
    Example: Client A uses their dashboards to make comparisons for both approved medicines and cutting-edge research, supporting analyses for research coming from different countries.

  • Case 4: Understanding who is engaging with your research on social media, what they are saying, and the nature of the audience for their messaging. Analyze your competitors’ publications, see how trends have changed over time, identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for your publication and communication teams.
    Example: Client D is interested in research within emerging research areas, and wants to identify what research is causing conversations amongst leading researchers.

  • Case 5: Supporting journal selection and the development of publication strategy. Our dashboards have specific visualisations to support the analysis of journal impact, which organizations are using which journals, and the extent to which they’re achieving impact.
    Example: Client R is developing a publication strategy, and needs to be able to report on the impact of clinically focussed versus cutting edge science, which journals are delivering the impact they need, and whether their Open Access strategy is working for them.