Videos content tracking


Altmetric's curated list of YouTube channels are scanned for mentions of scholarly outputs.


Our YouTube collector ‘watches’ the list of channels for new posts (videos), and searches the description section for links to research outputs. If there are links to research in the description section of a video that’s posted on a channel we track, we will be able to collect that mention.


Altmetric captures mentions in real-time as long as the posts contain a direct link to a research output. We cannot search for mentions retrospectively.


How to ensure that videos are picked up by Altmetric


Make sure that:

  • Altmetric is tracking the YouTube channel

  • The description of the video includes the direct link to a research output


Suggesting a new YouTube channel to be indexed


You can suggest a channel to be indexed to our database by completing this form. You’ll need to be able to provide the YouTube channel homepage URL.

Once we receive the form, we will consider the channel for inclusion in the Altmetric database. The process usually takes a week.


The Video tab on an Altmetric Details Page


On an Altmetric Details Page, the Video tab lists YouTube videos by time of publication in descending order, with the most recent ones available at the top of the page. You can see which channel talks about the research output and the description. 

YouTube mentions also appear as green in the Altmetric donut.