Upload Groups


Here you’ll upload your departmental/group hierarchy file as a comma-separated value (CSV) spreadsheet. Please ensure that you do not use a spreadsheet in any other format, as Excel spreadsheets (e.g., .xls or .xlsx) are not accepted.


Each time you update your data implementation, you must begin by uploading this departmental/group hierarchy file, which should contain all departments or groups associated with your publications. What you upload here creates the departments/groups which you can navigate in your “My Institution” view, and search for in the Advanced Search of the Explorer.


If you do not have a departmental/group hierarchy, or do not want to use departments or groups, you can skip this step.


The CSV spreadsheet that you upload here must follow certain guidelines, the key ones being:

  1. Duplicate departments are not supported. If duplicate departments exist in your hierarchy, they must be re-named so that they are unique (ex. “Grants 1” and “Grants 2”). Ensure that any changes made to your hierarchy are reflected in your accompanying publications spreadsheet (see Publications section for more information).

  2. Structure: Follow the structure of the example below; note that all levels shown below will appear in your departmental hierarchy.

Verify groups


Here you will be shown a sample of how your hierarchy will appear based on the CSV file you have uploaded. If the format you uploaded is not supported, you will be instructed to return to the previous screen.


If any of your departments are duplicates, they will be highlighted in red here. If your file was supported and there are no issues, all departments will be green.


Scroll through the hierarchy and confirm that it appears how you wish.



Proceed by hitting the ‘Next’ button or ‘Continue to Upload Outputs