Before you begin

Please make sure your data has the correct format. Information about how to prepare the data can be found here


Accessing the CSV Uploader Tool


In order to access the CSV Uploader Tool, you must be set as an administrator of your organization’s Altmetric Explorer instance.


If you wish to add an individual at your organization as an Altmetric Explorer administrator, please contact and we will update the account to include administrator permissions.


The CSV Uploader Tool can be found in the Administrator’s Panel, which is accessible via the wrench icon on the left-hand sidebar of the Explorer:



Under the header titled “Manage Data Implementation,” the following information is displayed:

  • The blue UPLOAD DATA button allows you to upload a new CSV spreadsheet.

  • A summary of your current data implementation, marked as ‘PUBLISHED.’ The summary tells you how many research outputs you uploaded and how many of those were valid.

  • A summary of your last four previous data implementations. At any time, you can re-publish one of your previous four data sets by hitting the blue ‘PUBLISH’ button on the right side of the corresponding upload.


Uploading new data

  1. To begin uploading your data, click the blue “UPLOAD DATA” button. This will take you to an intro page. The process is outlined here, and the steps you’ll go through are listed on the left-hand side panel. 

  2. Click ‘NEXT’ at the bottom-right of this page to begin uploading your data.

  3. Upload and Verify Groups

  4. Upload Outputs

  5. Identify columns

  6. Check Your Results and Validation Report