Each time you upload a publications spreadsheet, you must do a full update. If you only want to add or remove a few publications, simply append them to the end of or remove them from your existing CSV spreadsheet.


Each row of this spreadsheet should always contain:

  • One author name or a list of author names in the following format:

    • Stein, Franken

    • Stein, Franken; Jekyll, Henry; Hyde, Edward

  • The name of the associated department/group

    • This must exactly match the name as it appears in your department's spreadsheet.

  • Publication identifiers

    • The following identifiers are supported:
      PubMed IDs
      arXiv IDs
      NCT ID
      URIs (custom service for supported domains only)
      RePeC IDs
      ADS Bibcode

Example format: 



Once done, proceed to Identify Columns.