Check your Results

This screen gives you an overview of the new data implementation you have uploaded.



What was extracted from your publications file?


  • Imported rows: This is the *total number of rows* in the CSV file you’ve uploaded.

  • Total research outputs: This is the total number of unique research outputs included in the publications spreadsheet that you have provided.
    **Note that this will almost always be a lower number than the number of rows**
    because your publications spreadsheet may contain duplicates (eg., The same DOI on two or more different rows), rows without identifiers, etc.
    Invalid outputs: The CSV Uploader Tool looks at the format of the identifiers you provided in the publications spreadsheet and confirms whether they are valid or not. Invalid identifiers are highlighted here (eg., A DOI in a column full of ISBNs; a PubMed ID with extraneous letters added; etc.).

  • Valid research outputs: This is the total number of research outputs identified by the tool from your publications spreadsheet and which are confirmed to have been in a valid format.


Next, you have several options:

  • Download validation report (black button): If any invalid outputs are shown, it is recommended to download the validation report. The validation report can be used to identify issues with the identifiers provided in your publications spreadsheet.

  • Upload a new file (red button): Select this if you uploaded the wrong publications spreadsheet file or realized that you needed to make changes. This takes you back to Step 3 (Upload Outputs)

  • Publish this data set (green button): If you’re happy with what you see on this screen, click ‘Publish this data set.’ This will immediately publish your new data implementation as you’ve provided it.


Validation Report


In this step you have the option to download the validation report (a CSV file). This is recommended particularly if you have any invalid outputs.


To download the validation report, click the black button that reads ‘Click to download validation report.’ Open the validation report CSV, and refer to it alongside the publications CSV that you uploaded.


The report contains the following information:

  • Columns A through J show the possible identifiers you may have listed; the data in these columns represent what you actually entered in the corresponding field.

  • Column K shows the authors you have selected

  • Column L shows the departments you have selected

  • Column M tells you what row(s) the output was found in.

  • Column N states whether the output was valid or invalid.

  • Column O specifies what error was detected (if any).


To resolve invalid outputs:

  • Sort column N for the term ‘Invalid’

  • Identify the row(s) containing invalid outputs

  • Refer to the publications CSV you uploaded and identify the rows in question

  • Replace the invalid identifier with a valid one


If you have questions about an identifier that seems to be valid but is coming up as invalid here, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].